Banane Fritas

A happy coincidence of living in the South of France is that fruit never last more than a few days in the balmy summer months. Well, my resourceful mamma has come up with a very satisfying way to make use of said over ripened fruit…Banane Fritas! These gorgeously stodgy morsels are a wonderful way to dispense with those be-speckled bananas and make for a very healthy and filling snack or dessert. All you need are 3-4 ripe bananas, about 75-100 grams of self-raising flour and 2 tbs of caster sugar. You can add an egg but it is not entirely necessary. Mix together well until emulsified, then fry in a good non-stick pan with a dash of oil. Of course, as is quite often the case with these undertakings, no matter how religiously I follow my mother’s instructions, they never taste quite as good as those cooked by my mother’s hands. x

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