Is It Just Me?

Kim Kardashian,Louboutin-Lady-Daf-160-Platoforms

Is it just me or are these signature Louboutin Lady Daf platforms synonymous with a certain type of “reality starlet”? Regardless of it’s unfortunate devotees, when I examine these shoes I do not see a beautiful accessory but rather a 1970’s walking aid! They are clumpy, vicariously trashy and in short, I don’t imagine we will be seeing the Duchess of Cambridge in them any time soon… That’s all I’m sayin’.


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Mon Dieu, c’est tellement vrai! Je déteste ces chaussures, elles sont vraiment trop laid, seule une Kardashian serait de les porter! x

My God, that is so true! I hate these shoes, they are so damn ugly, only a Kardashian would wear them! x

Ahhh V I love these shoes! I think actually just to look at on other people as I could never walk in them… x

You know it’s really hard to say… The manual is probably only available in LA and Essex and features the word “like” an awful lot… Ooh, quelle salope!

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