Capucine Safyurtlu Fashion & Marketing Editor of Vogue Paris can normally be found roughly two paces to the left of Vogue Paris Editor Emmanuelle Alt. These two women appear to share an uncanny exchange of fashion sense and like-minded interpretation of all things French.
She’s just so damn cool and I mean cool in a non try-hard, laid back Parisian way! If you dissect her wardrobe there is nothing overtly trend-driven about her look, and yet her modernity is undeniable. You rarely see Safyurtlu sporting some “must-have” item and that really appeals to me. This woman understands the transformative powers of a well cut shirt in fact much like Alt, the androgynous shirt forms the basis of much of her wardrobe together with a good pair of “skinnies”. Je ne peux pas m’empêcher de penser que Capucine et je serais de grands amis si nous rencontrer …
1 Comment
Add YoursCette femme est incroyable! Je veux son style, même si c’est juste pour une journée – WOW