Cooking Frenzy

So, this weekend has been spent in my kitchen in what can only be described as a cooking frenzy! After whipping up my first ever batch of cornbread (so good!), I moved on to making preparations for my Christmas conserves.

For the cornbread you will need:
1 cup plain flour
1 cup stone-ground yellow cornmeal
1 cup butter milk
2 eggs
1/2 stick butter, melted
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F and cook for 25 minutes until golden on top.

For me, Christmas is not Christmas without a hefty helping of my mother’s Mauritian Achard. A type of spiced, fragrant chutney, Achard is a wonderful accompaniment to cold meats and left over turkey and crusty bread. This year I have elected to go with an Olive Achard. The Achard requires at least three weeks to mature and for the flavours to merge and balance but as a rule, the longer it sits the better it will taste. Once the Achard has had time to mature a few weeks I will detail the process. Bisous.


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Yum that cornbread looks amazing. I’ve seen a lot of recipes with added bacon or cheese etc but the original is simply the best…x

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