Mostly Tryin’: The Keto Diet
Keto Basics

I’m not entirely sure how it happened but somehow I seem to have…gained a hell of a lot of some weight. There is a general softening of angles and where once there were sharp lines now sits the vague memory of a proud jawline. Of course, it is entirely possible that my seasonal hibernation may finally have caught up with me so it is time to take some definitive albeit lumbering action.

On the subject of action, has anyone noticed just how truly awesome Halle Berry is looking these days? With the help of Personal Trainer (and altogether delicious action man) Peter Lee Thomas, Berry has completely overhauled her fitness levels and in the process inspired women a fraction of her years.
Spurred on by Berry’s athletic form I decided to look into her diet secrets but as it turns out it’s really not that secret after all. As a type 1 diabetic, Berry has practised a Ketogenic diet for many years. The keto diet is a very low-carb high fat regime which has been proven to help burn the bodies fat stores more effectively and may also slow the ageing process! Essentially, 75 percent of calories should come from healthy fats. The real trick is to eat the right fats in the correct amounts.
Fifty-f**king what you say?!

I must admit, the idea of tucking into a bun-less burger whilst my body gets to work on yesterday’s transgressions has a definite appeal so I elected to read up on the diet purchasing “The Complete Guide to Success on the Ketogenic Diet” written by Keto Nutritionist Maria Emmerich. The book is extremely comprehensive as Emmerich seeks to dispel many Keto myths. The no-cook meal plan is also a bonus. Halfway through the book I have to admit there may well be something to this diet but the real test will be putting it into practice day in day out… As with so many restrictive diets, the key to success is in the planning (or so I’m told). Emmerich recommends cutting out diary and nuts in the first month to maximise weight loss but frankly a month without cheese seems a step too far. Rather, I am slowly cutting out various carbs each week to avoid the dreaded keto-flu substituting with low carb alternatives such a pork rinds instead of crisps, baked Parmesan chips instead of nachos.
The strangest aspect of this diet is suddenly being free to purchase full fat foods. Goodbye low calorie salad dressing, hello full fat mayonnaise, sayonara lean mince beef, bonjour bacon. Let’s be clear, I do not believe in restricting ones diet on a permanent basis but I am willing to give this regime a go, I mean, any diet that champions bacon and eggs can’t be bad in my book! Watch this space… x


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Merci pour votre commentaire Carol. Je mettrai à jour bientôt. Pas étonnant que l’absorption soit limitée en France. Tous les merveilleux pastires et pain !!

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