This is something of a grown up kind of scent. The aroma is pure luxury and to be quite frank (et éventuellement un peu grossière) it evokes images of the well healed, well coiffed, manicured ladies. In short, it is pure Park Avenue. Inspired by her grandmother’s garden which was full of rambling sweet peas, Long Island florist Antonia Bellanca concocted this dreamy bouquet with floral themes to recapture the fleeting aromas of childhood. Rather surprisingly for an eau de toilette, the aroma lasts all day. I was quite happy to awaken to my own loveliness! I have to admit, I was un peu nerveux to wear this perfume due to it’s lady like qualities. That is not to say that I am not the consummate lady, (mais bien sûr je suis!) This is the scent of a woman not a girl, and in my experience if one does not step up to such a perfume, the perfume ends up wearing you which is never a good look. x

Add YoursI love this perfume. it’s very expensive but as you say hard wearing.
Maybe if I drop enough hints in time for Xmas…