Let’s be honest, I have to be in the mood for porridge. The recipe must be indulgent with not a hint of the prison breakfast gruel my beloved (if somewhat overly pragmatic) father attempted to serve us in my youth.
These days I demand only the best for my oaty goodness! I like to add a tablespoon of flax-seed to the mix together with ground or flaked almonds to up the protein hit. I love the creamy flavour almond milk imparts. Now here is the very important bit… do not be tempted to microwave your oats! Not only does this nullify the health benefits, it also fails to produce the creamy texture slowly heating on the stove will impart.
As a final flourish I like to drizzle with untreated honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon. I’m fairly certain they don’t serve this at Belmarsh! Bisous.